Monday, January 10, 2005

Is a blogsorry worth more or less than a wetsorry? (Or: A 1K Pardons)

C1, sorry I called you a cocksucker.
M/N, sorry you got in the middle of the fight that ensued.
C2, sorry I think I'm your friend.
MJ, sorry I haven't given you a bath in a while.
Self, sorry about that thing I keep picking on your ear.

Will change world soon (but not in an upcoming Sean Penn-film kind of way).

con mucho lurve.

1 comment:

The Daily Gus said...

A: Sorry I missed you in texas, my uncle had me planned to the gills (much to my surprise) and he kept getting me drunk and not telling me where we were all going. I just know I spent a lot of my time NW of austin, is all. :( I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you next time.