Tuesday, November 30, 2004

O frabjous day!

Sorry for the down time, faithful readers. Binge drinking, busted ignition amplifier, tooling around in a rented Mustang, geocaching (!) with the nephew, and other stuff I can't remember. What I do remember is this:

1.) Dear Mr. J.G. Ballard, thanks for writing Crash (as well as all the other fine books). After removing and installing a new pickup module in the Volvo, I now understand better the car/body connection. Note to the ladies: find a blind mechanic. (You know what I mean...)

2.) Dear Buttercup, thanks for the music and the politics. Keep on rockin' in the martial-law world.

3.) Dear N****, you are a bastard. I think you are a drug dealer. Don't let me catch you, fatty.

4.) Dear Terry Gilliam, please remind folks that The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is for kids *and* for adults with an Orwellian bent. I don't know what was going on in the world when you made the film, but it resonates strongly today.


5.) Dear Spongebob and Patrick, I want to ride the Hasselhoff!!!!! I'm a goofy goober, you're a goofy goober, we're all goofy goobers!!!!!! Goofy goofy goofy goofy gooofy goo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Daily Gus said...

Time to lay off the caffeine / Xanax combo, dude. ;)