Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Doublepluslessonful day

A quick post before beddy-bye. Lessonful, indeed:

1.) A corollary to the "absolute power" dictum is "an eensy-weensy bit of power corrupts absolutely" (you were expecting "eensy-weensily"?). Case in point, the clerk at the Bexar County sheriff's office. If you want the details, ask, but it involves one of my long-winded stories and allusions to Kafka's "The Trial" and John Schlesinger's film "Marathon Man".

2. You snooze, you lose. The friend with whom a mutual agreement was made that we would marry if we were unmarried by the age of 28 is married.

3.) I now understand my dad's philosophy that participating in marketing surveys is a citizen's duty. I understand it, I just don't practice it. In my case, I really wanted 25 dollars an hour for two hours of giving my opinion on the "usability" of a certain company's website. Again, if you're interested, you can ask, or just wait for my dad to take the bait and post a comment. He claims he doesn't know how to post a comment, but I think he's just being bashful.

4.) I utilize the car and the toilet for much the same purpose: useful reflection on life, the universe, and everything.

5.) During tonight's car ride home from mom and dad's house (how many families watch the debates together?) I figured out that my trouble (one trouble, at least) with romantic relationships is that I have been subconsciously modelling my behavior on Boo Radley. Not that I am preying on children, but that I'm nigh hopeless with communication yet at the same time idiot-savantically talented when it comes to finding tiny gifts for people I like.

6.) We have always been at war with Eastasia.

1 comment:

loladimz said...

According to Bridget, I'm 26 in girl years.