Sunday, October 03, 2004

The Rule of Three

I am not sure where all of my political beliefs fall on the bell curve, but I do know this: I am for less government regulation of the cab and private investigation industries. I am probably against regulation of other industries, too. I just haven't wanted to be a baker yet.

Because of regulation:
I do not have my own private investigation company. In fact, if I provide investigative services without being licensed, it's a misdemeanor the first time; a felony the second. According to the State of Texas I need "three years of verifiable work experience performed on a full-time basis in the field of investigation". Bastards. Because of regulation, there is no listing for Amazing Grace Investigations in the phonebook. Our motto: What once was lost, now is found. (Also, I can't drive a Ferrari and wear short, tight shorts.)

Because of regulation:
I can't drive a cab because I do not have three years of licensed driving experience in the United States (or elsewhere, for that matter. Long/short story for another time.). The city subsidizes classes to teach drivers English, by the way.

You know why Uncle Henry can spin tales of his days as a longshoreman, newsie, alchemist and midwife? Because he didn't have the government breathing down his neck for three years of verifiable experience.


Anonymous said...

The links on your blog seem quite extensive... for a blog that is. You seem to have a lot of free time on your hands.

A. Nonymous

loladimz said...

Thank you, Mr. Nonymous. I'm not sure what you mean by "extensive" links, but I do know the laws of space/time. I have the same 24 hours a day (assuming you live on Earth) that you do. I just use it more efficiently.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps what I should have said is that you seem to link to things that seem rather trivial instead of funny, or witty. Perhaps I should have said that you seem to have a lot of time to waste.

A. Non
(basically too lazy to sign in or register)

loladimz said...

I knew I shouldn't have turned "anonymous comments" on. Well, I buttered my bread, now I have to sleep in it.

Since I am the proprietor of this blog (serving the public since Sept. 28, 2004), I leave it to myself to provide the funny. The links, though, are carefully chosen after a slow braising on the server until they are just golden-brown and useful. For example, the link associated with the State of Texas takes you to the Texas agency that regulates private investigators. There's plenty of other blogs that provide links for dancing hamsters and

And here's to you, Mr. Nonymous, Jesus loves you more than you will know.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that both of you have time to waste. Your both posting at a time of day when the rest of us non-wasters are I'm wasting time writing this.

loladimz said...

It's nigh 8 o'clock. You've not yet had your coffee. You purse your lips as you decide which hand to masturbate with. You smile, knowing this is the hardest decision you'll have to make all day. For one brief moment, the thought crosses your mind that different times on posts can be attributed to the fact that the posters are from all over the world. World Wide Web? That thought stops as you grunt to yourself, "left."